Pigeon Pose
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To do: shoulders relax away from ears, make sure front knee is in line with hip if possible, flex the front foot, lengthen inner thighs away from each other, make sure hips are square if possible, extend up trough spine on inhale, tailbone extends back as breastbone extends forward, fold forward, relax, find comfortable position for arms, rest forehead.
Modification: You can come to your forearms or use a prop to rest your arms on and fold over as much or little as needed.
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Pigeon pose is a great stretch for tight hips or any piriformis issues. The piriformis is a lateral rotater muscle deep to the glutes. Sometimes it may become pinched or tight causing something called piriformis syndrome. This can also in turn, then pinch or stress the sciatic nerve that runs through this muscle oftentimes causing sciatica.
Stretches for the Piriformis
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Anyone can stretch. Myth busted: you do not need to be flexible in order to stretch and receive the benefits from it.
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Even flexible people need to stretch or they become less flexible or more stiff and have more pain.